Tuesday, May 8, 2018


1 Corinthians 13:4-8 talks about what love is. Love is patient, love is kind; you know what I'm talking about. But do we remember what is in the middle of the quote? It says (depending on what version/interpretation you read) it keeps no records of wrongs. But what does that mean?

We all know love to be that feeling we get when we are around someone or when we are thinking of them. Whether that be a spouse, a child, or other family member. In this instance, let us refer to love in the sense of a relationship; a marriage. Keep that in mind.

We know how we want to be treated. We want our other half to be patient with us. We want them to be kind to us. We don't want them to be easily angered. But flip that around and are all of those things YOUR first reaction? Let us hope so. 

We need to treat others the way WE want to be treated. It is quoted many times in the bible by Jesus, but even as far back as Leviticus 19:18. Love thy neighbor as yourself. Do we want our lover keeping records of our wrongs? When we mess up or make a mistake, do we want that held over our heads? No way! So what should we all do when people trespass against us? Forgive and forget. Or in a more simple term, FUGGETABOUTIT! ;)

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The ants go marching on

Have you ever taken a moment to sit and watch an ant? Although they are quite small, they really are mighty. They are diligent, hardworking, and definite team players. Have you ever seen an ant (that wasn't dead) not moving? I didn't think so.

Ants are inspirational. Why? You may ask. They work together for a greater good. Those mounds with all the tunnels and stockpiles of food, do you think that just happens on its own? No way! Ants know who has what job and they complete it.

Teamwork is the best word I could use to describe how ants come together. Army ants for example, come together to take down larger creatures such as bigger bugs, snakes, and even mammals! Don't believe me? Check this out: Army Ants Eat Everything - NatGeo.

Ants not only come together for food, but they also unite for survival. Fire ants actual create a floating colony raft to save the whole group when there is a flood. Living in Florida, I can attest that fire ants are my least favorite bug because of their painful and itchy bite, but I can also admire their dedication: Fire Ants Make Living Raft - NatGeo.

So what is all this talk about ants? You might wonder. I feel that if we as a country- as a world even- came together as the ants do, we would have a much more enjoyable life. Spreading love and helping those in need. That is what Jesus would want us to do. "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Who are you? What makes you unique? Well... everyone is unique, right? After all, God said to Moses "I am who I am" (Exodus 3:14). So what is the big deal about proclaiming how you are different. Wouldn't that just make us all the same then?

You want to promote who are and what you do in a business sense. Marketing tells us that we must stand out and portray our brand as unique. What makes you unique? In the wise words of Kurt Cobain, "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." So, who are you?

We are all God's children. We were all created in His image with our own special and unique talents. What are your talents? What do you think makes you stand out? "We're not nameless, we're not faceless, we were born for greatness," rings in a truly inspirational message from a Papa Roach song.

I ask you these questions as I do with myself. If we are unique and we were born for greatness, how do we plan on achieving it? Only God knows the plan for our life, but we must seek to find. What is the first step you will take to express what make you "you"?

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Stress Less

Stress is the anti-Creative. It’s steals your inspiration, your motivation, your focus. It makes you feel out-of-the-element, like you can’t do what you want. But I say, “go sit in the corner, stress!” That’s right, I’m turning it around and putting stress in time out. I’m turning stress into my muse.

When you feel powerless, when you feel not good enough, think again. Know that God is in control and the Devil is trying to steal your joy. Ignore his threats of taking what you have: your confidence, your inspiration, your spirit, your joy. Know who you are and don’t listen to the lies.

Lately I’ve let stress interfere with my passion. I’ve listened to the lies that I’m not good enough, that I’m not ready, that this isn’t for me. But those voices are wrong. My whole life I’ve had the Creative spirit. God had that seed in me since I was born and I need to continue nurturing it and letting it grow.

In other news, I’ve also just dyed my hair blue for the first time ever. I’ve had my hair all different colors: blonde, brown, red, black. But no “crayola colors,” if you will. I’ve received mixed reviews about my decision. From people saying they love it to others with their own opinions. “It’s not professional” “That’s not like you” “Are you trying to be a teenager again?”

My question is this: who made up these rules about how we need to behave, what we can and cannot like or do at certain ages? Everyone says being a kid is a bad thing. When every adult knows they wish they were a kid again. Kids minds are clear, they are open, they see things in a positive and innocent way. So why shouldn’t we carry on some of those traits into adulthood? Jesus said "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Amen.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Why God Could Never Be Our Mother